Welcome to the 28th Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy (NWB2023). The Department of Communication and Learning in Science at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden, will host the workshop in 2023.
Over the course of three days, October 11–13, 2023, you will have the opportunity to engage with experts from a variety of fields, including bibliometrics, research policy and library & information science. Its aim is to integrate bibliometric research with research policy, showcase the latest bibliometric research from the Nordic region and beyond, and strengthen connections between bibliometric research groups and their PhD students.

Group photo of the NWB2023 partciciapnts on day two with Professor Mats Lundqvist (Vice President for Utilization) and Ann-Sofie Axelsson (Director of Libraries and Head of the Department of Communication and Learning in Science), Chalmers University of Technology.
Updated news!
March 19, 2024: A report on NWB2023 is published in the Information Research journal.
March 26, 2024: A reflective blog post is published at the bibliomagician.
December 2023: A short report is published in the ISSI e-Newsletter (pages 54 – 63).
NWB2024 is scheduled to take place in Reykjavik, Iceland, during November 20 – 22, 2024. The workshop will be jointly hosted by the University of Iceland and the National and University Library of Iceland. Further details for NWB2024 will be announced by the organizers at a later date.
October 4, 2023: Presentation slides and posters are avaiable at Figshare.
October 3, 2023: The Book of Abstracts has been published.
September 21: The best poster award will be decided by votes from NWB2023 participants.
September 8, 2023: The editorial board of the journal ‘Information Research (ISSN: 1368-1613)’ has expressed interest in publishing full papers corresponding to the accepted abstracts from both the oral and poster presentations of NWB2023. You can mention this in the cover letter when submitting your manuscript to them. Interested authors need to submit their papers by mid-January 2024 to ensure inclusion in the March 2024 issue.
August 28, 2023: A complete program has been published!
August 23, 2023: Guidelines for the paper and poster presentations have been sent to the corresponding authors.
July 31, 2023: A confirmation email has been sent to all the accepted participants.
July 21, 2023: A preliminary program is available. A complete program will be published in August 2023.
July 4, 2023: Registration for the workshop is closed as it is fully booked.
June 22, 2023: Registration for the workshop has opened.
June 21, 2023: Notifications of acceptance regarding their submissions sent to the authors.
May 20, 2023: The abstract submission deadline passed. We received a total of 64 abstracts. We believe this is the highest number of submissions in NWB’s 28-year history.
April 3, 2023: Abstract submission to the workshop opened.
March 17, 2023: Call for Abstracts published.
The Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy was initiated by Professors Olle Persson , Peter Ingwersen and Terttu Luukkonen in 1996, and has been held annually, rotating between Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. This workshop has a long and proud tradition of providing a forum for researchers, practitioners, and policy makers to discuss and explore the latest trends and developments in the field of bibliometrics. This workshop has served as a sustainable practice within the bibliometrics community for nearly three decades.
The workshop is open to participants from any country and conducted in English. There is no registration fee to attend, however, participants must cover their own accommodation and travel expenses.
We look forward to welcoming you to the 28th Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy and hope that you will find the event both informative and enjoyable.
NWB2023 Organizing committee
Anders Friberg, PhD, Chalmers University of Technology
Jakaria Rahman, PhD, Chalmers University of Technology
Marco Schirone, PhD candidate, Chalmers University of Technology, & University of Borås
Cecilia Granell, Chalmers University of Technology
Paula Arhanto, Chalmers University of Technology
Contact us at: nwb2023@chalmers.se
Follow us on twitter.com/nwb2023
Follow us on instagram
Hashtag on social media: #nwb2023
NWB Steering group
Denmark: Birger Larsen, PhD, Aalborg University
Finland: Susanna Nykyri, PhD, Tampere University
Iceland: Baldvin Zarioh, University of Iceland
Norway: Gunnar Sivertsen, PhD, NIFU – Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education
Sweden: Fredrik Åström, PhD, Lund University